Thursday, September 10, 2015

Throwback Thursday

Hello everyone!
There are some things in life that never get old. We can listen, watch or read it over and over again never tiring of it. Today on Throwback Thursday, that's how I feel about the following post.

As I have stated numerous times since my journey with cancer began, my goal is to build fulfilling relationships with the people around me. One of those relationships happens to be with Christ. How I wish that all of you could experience that same kind of love.

No matter what you are going through in life, nothing compares to the joy and peace of God's love and knowing He is beside you the entire time.

 Linda's favorite phrase when faced with a difficult task used to be " Would you walk with me Jesus?" It also has become one of mine. So as I face another day, another new journey, I ask Him. . . ..
Would you walk with me Jesus?

My Spiritual Testimony

Today , I want to share something I wrote a few years ago .......

Today, in church, I sat there and reflected on my love for GOD.I felt such profound peace and love inside me.
I never would have thought it possible for me to love being in church let alone looking for Sunday to come.Never have I thought I would be so fulfilled and sated spiritually.I, am not bored in church.I love going to church and the best part ...I could stay there for hours.I can't even believe I am saying this.
There are times that Sunday can't come fast enough for me because I NEED to go to church.So I sat there and thought to myself how much I have grown.It reminded me of psalm 116
I love the Lord,for He heard my voice
He heard my cry for mercy
because He turned His ear to me
I will call on Him as long as I live
the cords of death entangled me
the anguish of the grave came upon me
I was overcome by trouble and sorrow
then I called on the name of the Lord
O Lord,save me!!
That's what I was thinking about in church today.I couldn't think of one prayer request to make today because all I could feel is praise for Him.Today it was all about gratitude.
We had an altar call.An altar call for those who want to deepen their relationship with Christ.As I stood there and looked around,half the church was at the altar and I felt tears because I thought to myself everyone must be feeling what I am.
If there was one thing ,one wish that I would make for everyone is that they would experience that spiritual fulfillment that I feel .
Have a Blessed week everyone!!!

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