Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A Week In My Life Pt.2

Had a late start this morning since I've been putting in quite a few hours at night. Since I had a three day weekend, I wanted to take advantage of all the hours I possibly could. While drinking my morning coffee and breakfast shake, my mom called and we spent a good while chatting away.

By the time I was finally able to attack my closet, it was nearly lunch. When I was done, I had four extra plastic storage bins that were empty and three quarters of the closet designated for the wardrobe. Quite an improvement since things would fall out when the door was opened. A quick vacuum around the apartment and a 16 minute workout completed my physical activity for the day.

My plan for the remainder was to solely work on phone calls, emails, appointment scheduling and paperwork. I have a tendency to drop all my papers into a large bin by my desk with the intention of getting to it later. Well, you know that later always somehow turns into much later.

A quick supper of pasta with a sautéed mixture of zucchini, broccoli and green beans. An evening of catching up on our Netflix and crocheting rounded off the day to an end.

I awakened this morning to the curtains billowing through the open window. A cool Autumn breeze blew freely the stagnant air a tiny apartment can create. It felt so good to feel, actually feel a breeze, something that was missing during the humid weather.

Since I had work today, my schedule was a bit different. During the work week, I only have mornings to take care of any business. That's why I'd love to get up early with the birds, but not anymore since I began this medication. I'm lucky if I get up at 9 a.m.!

I have noticed  a difference in myself these past three days. Even though I was busy, I didn't feel the fatigue that I normally do when working under this treatment. Maybe because I can lie down whenever I want to? At work I'm on my feet the entire day pushing this huge cart around from one end of the building to the next. By the time the shift is over I am done physically.

So as the morning unfolded, I did some packaging of crocheted items to ready them for delivery by the end of the week. I really wanted to accomplish all this in the three day, but not enough time. A total of six boxes, ranging from small to large, stood in the corner of my living room. Also, readied a bag full of material to bring with me to work. A co-worker's mom is the seamstress in my Ministry and she basically makes the wheelchair bags we donate.

Off to work, to be continued.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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