Friday, September 25, 2015

The Tower Of Hope

There is no devil in the first two chapters of the Bible and no devil in the last two chapters. Thank God for a book that disposes of the devil! Vance Havner

These past few weeks, the news feeds across the U.S. have been extremely busy with the Supreme Court ruling and so has Facebook. People have been voicing their opinions unabashedly, each believing their viewpoints to be the truth.

I have sat in silence as each side became more vocal in voicing their freedom of speech. Some even downright mean and extremely aggressive, calling other people haters.

I have a major problem when people place me in a box with everyone else. Not just  in the case of a Christian being a hater, but also in other categories such as race.  When has anyone ever seen me behave in such a derogatory way?

Yet, I've stayed quiet, waiting for the anger to dissipate among people who attacked my religious freedom. You see, I'm not here to judge anyone, because I feel that God has given us a wonderful gift of choice. We are free to choose whatever path in life, even if it is the wrong one.

I felt this ruling placed a dividing line in which path one should follow. Everything in life is a choice between right and wrong. Whatever decision we make affects our entire lives with a cause/effect and in some cases, even consequences for our actions.

That's why I didn't argue back and forth on social media regarding this issue. This is what I believe in and that is what you believe in. I will not resort to name calling or belittling circumstances, because we all know it wouldn't be a fair debate.

Having said all this, there is something that really has troubled me regarding this social debate. As people argued back and forth, all I could think of was that there isn't one religion out there that supports this issue. Yet, people that I personally know that are Catholic, Jewish, Moslem and Christians changed their profile pictures to rainbows.

Does that mean that they don't believe in their religion's doctrine? I'm so confused by the reaction all of this provoked. Are these same people that are Catholics, Jewish, Moslem and Christians only believing parts of their doctrine? This is something I'm having a real hard time with, people's claim to faith.

One cannot be one way and then another way tomorrow. Either you are or you aren't. To me, if you claim to be a Catholic (for instance) then own it! Be a practicing Catholic being 100 percent real.

Again, I believe we all have a right to voice our opinions as long as we don't intentionally hurt someone. I'm so confused and saddened by how easily people can shift from one belief system to another. It breaks my heart to think that we are not people of strong faith whether that faith is Catholic, Jewish, Moslem or Christian.

I'm a born again Christian and I believe in the doctrine of Jesus Christ. I stand by my faith. The question is, can you stand by yours?

Have a blessed day everyone.

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