Monday, September 21, 2015

A Morning Routine

I've been reading a story of a young woman who gets up very early every morning (around 5:30 a.m.)  to begin her daily morning routine. The first thing she does is make coffee and then she sits down to write in her daily planner what she plans on accomplishing that day.

I really loved the idea!

Lord knows that I miss my daily morning routine of getting up early before everyone else. I miss the quiet, but I also know that there will come a time where I will miss the noise.

Things change as we change. Obviously, my routine has been affected by this treatment. I'm tired and I end up sleeping in longer than before. Hence, no more early mornings alone.

I loved her idea since my time before work has shortened. My expectations of  myself have always been extremely high and at times, very unforgiving if they fell short. These changes have taught me to go with the flow instead of being upset at my lack of productiveness.

I wish I was more like that woman in the blog so organized and centered on what needed to be done on that particular day. As I laid in bed this morning, forcing myself mentally to at least try to get up, I've realized that I have no energy. No oompf! Even if I did jot down a list, would I really follow it?
In all honesty, I want to retreat into my own fantasy world where no one else resides but me. I have no deep desire to deal with people, or issues or anything else for that matter. I'm not depressed or sad. In fact, I feel very happy. I want to lock myself away in a burrow being surrounded by all my favorite things. Isn't that crazy?

So I have no morning routine or any kind of routine any longer. I just mello jello throughout the day.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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