Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Simply Low-Tech?

I grew up on television. That telly would be on 24/7, even lulling me to sleep at night. For years now, that tradition has been upheld religiously. I could never understand, back then, how people could just listen to a radio when television was around. I would feel sorry for the people who grew up without  television.

That was then. God has a way of turning our declarations around where we are faced with them complete circle. For the last two weeks, I've given up television, not watching at all. I did watch a few shows late Saturday, but that was all. I don't even miss it.

A couple of years back, I subscribed to various audios of preachers sermons. Everyday in my e-mail folder I receive fifty or more devotions, audios and blogs. No matter where I'm at waiting, I pull out my phone and read my e-mails. I'm sure everyone thinks I'm on Facebook.  My favorites are the audios where I can turn  on the speaker and listen while I'm cleaning, driving or doing other tasks.

So instead of watching T.V., I've been reading and listening to those darn audios. Something that years ago I would have never done. Sometimes, I even turn on my son's station and listen to him. All of a sudden radio has taken over that television's spot. I almost want to eat those words from years past regarding the radio/audios.

It's funny how much more productive I feel, especially now as I battle this treatment's tiredness. I'm embarking on another fast of no game playing on Facebook. I have these games that I love to play, but I feel as if I need to take a break and focus on other things right now.

You know, I never thought I could do it. I've always loved watching all of my Masterpiece Theater, History Channel, Discovery Channel etc. and let's not forget my murder mysteries. I don't need television to do all that. I can access all of my favorites online, via the Library and Netflix. Living simply. . . . that's my goal.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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