Wednesday, September 2, 2015

5 Most Wanted

Isn't that the truth? Who wants to get up and prepare coffee on a rough morning? All of us are hoping for that coffee genie to appear and have a fresh pot brewing the minute we wake up.

It's been that kind of week. Every morning brings a new list of things to do. This happens every time I have special plans for the weekend. I try real hard to accomplish all my errands during the week so no time is wasted on those special days.

As each new day appears, I secretly wish that coffee genie would do it's magic. Unfortunately, that never happens so I have to resort to an old and tried method of manual labor. Another great tried and true method? List making!

I am notorious for getting ahead of myself or getting involved with other things than what I intended or planned. Especially if I'm trying to fit a lot of activities for one weekend. So I needed to make a list of my top five absolutely need to get done.

1. I definitely need to make a Fall/Winter schedule for my Ministry. Plus, an outline for our six month General Business Meeting. Of course, that's overdue!

2. Once again, the hoarder in me needs to unclutter all the clutter in my room. Perhaps even re-arrange some pieces. It's a perpetual struggle with me.

3. I desperately need to make a huge dent in my writing project that I have been working on. Remember, my secret project that no one knows about . . . yet?

4. My appointment book/schedule needs a huge upgrade especially as the new month begins.

5. This is my favorite. I'm still in transition from my old e-mail into my new e-mail. I keep going back and forth between the two. I think it's time to clear out any outstanding e-mails under the old name.

So there you have it. I already know it will be difficult and most likely I once again have overscheduled, but I will certainly try. I can only try, right?

Have a blessed day everyone.

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