Tuesday, September 15, 2015

On Giving Up

This week, I have been thinking quite a lot about this new stage of my life and how it has affected me thus far. I am feeling great, absolutely great. There is no competition with the infusion or pill intake. I will take the pill! Besides, all of you know how much I hate losing my hair.

I have always gone full throttle no matter what kind of treatment I may have had. During the other three times, I've still taught Sunday School, kept the blog, the Ministry and even worked or at least semi- worked.

This time around, I'm just tired and lack the stamina to keep all of that up. I'm not giving up any of my activities completely, just some of the duties associated with it. My intention is to lessen the workload.

The Ministry: I have no intention of stopping, but I do intend on lessening all the running around that I do for it. For instance, I will no longer drop off or pick up any supplies or finished items for the ladies. I am hoping they will be okay with coming to my place to do so themselves.

The Blog: I love to write and cannot imagine not being able to do so, yet I know there will be times when I will not be able to post daily. Besides, I have so many other literary projects I have started that I need to finish. . . . someday.

In my living room there is a stack of boxes that need to be delivered. I have no idea when that will happen, but I believe slowly it will get done.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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