Thursday, August 27, 2015

Throwback Thursday

Believe it or not, people still ask me this question. I guess, many people think that if I truly had faith I wouldn't have cancer. There are a lot of Christians who have that belief system built into them that I should have been healed by now. It's just like in the Book of Job where his friends thought he must have done something to anger God in order for him to have lost everything. I must have some unfinished business.

Of course, none of that is true. We all can be healed in different ways. I may not be healed of cancer, but my heart is healed and filled with the  love of Christ.

I guess, it's very hard for people to believe that I have no anger towards God or anyone else. Like I have said many times before, each bout with cancer is a different journey where I learn something new about myself. My anger has been taken cared of long ago.

Besides, I wouldn't be who I am now if it wasn't for my cancer. It definitely has been a life changing experience.

The No. 1 Question
   Everywhere I go and  everyone I meet  all have the same question to ask me .

  " How do you feel about God ".
   " Do you feel like He has abandoned you ?"
   " Are you  angry with Him?"
  " Do you still believe in Him?"
   "Did it change your Faith?"
     At first , I was very surprised that people asked me these questions . In fact , it's really one question put forth in numerous ways . They all have to do with how I feel about God .
    Honestly at first , I felt uncomfortable thinking why would everyone even think that my faith would have changed at the drop of a hat . Do I look like I've changed ? Am I acting in a way that makes them think that ? I was shocked . Am I that weak of a Christian in their eyes ?
    Then I remembered a time when I did question my whole belief system . I believed in God all of my life . I cannot imagine life without God in it . Years ago , I was a Catholic . I went to church .I believed . Didn't have a relationship with Christ like I do now , but I still had Faith .
    I remember when my son died . My second son in three years . I remember when  it happened the second time  how angry I was with God . It hit me just now  that we all are ,  at one time or another ,
angry with God . That was my time . I finally understood why people kept asking me that question . It isn't that I don't look or act like a believer , it's just quite normal to have these feelings . Or maybe , they themselves had these feelings but felt " bad " for having them . I mean , we are Christians , right ? We shouldn't be feeling like that . That's how we think . It's okay to have these feelings .
   When I thought about all of this I also realized it's okay for people to keep asking me . What a perfect way to talk of God . Didn't I want to have a honest blog  with true emotions coming through ? Didn't I want to write for people who are experiencing these same feelings as I but feel they can't express them out loud ? Didn't I want to be that voice ? Of course .
   So, keep on asking me all the questions you want .

Have a blessed day everyone.

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