Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Sleeping In

Every Monday I have a boost of energy and actually can be very productive. I find it very amusing that the first day back to work is very energizing for me while quite the opposite for others. I must be rested from the weekend.

Tuesday, on the other hand, is quite the opposite. I sleep in every single Tuesday whether I want to or not. It's as if my going back to work has exhausted my body. There have been times I haven't gotten up before 10:00 a.m. Nowadays, I look forward to this day.

This morning wasn't any different. After taking down the sheets off the windows last night, I awakened to the sun streaming through and the soft billow of the curtains. What a beautiful morning! Just begging for an adventure walk outside.

Almost immediately, my mind drifted off to the cabin where the early mornings were spent swinging on the porch swing overlooking the lake. A cup of coffee in hand, watching a family of ducks swimming in the stillness of the solitude before anyone rises.

It's mornings like these where I bask in God's glory, this beautiful place called Earth that He has created. One day, I will wake up again to such a morning and I will sing praises in song. How absolutely wonderful  that sounds to me.

I feel such absolute peace within. Could it possibly have anything to do with the fact that there is no one around to spoil that peace? It's a real shame that the only time we can experience peace is when there are no people, only nature.

One day, I hope to experience that lake again or something similar, but until then  I am so grateful for times like these. Have a Blessed day everyone.

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