Thursday, August 20, 2015

Throwback Thursday

My feelings regarding fasting have not changed. In fact, fasting is not just for January as the New Year unfolds. Anytime my mind is cluttered with issues and I need clarity and certainty from God in making important decisions, I'll do a fast.

I have been thinking about doing one now. I know myself very well and I am aware of how I react to things. For that reason I need to do one. There are very important things going on in our lives (my children and I) and I want to make sure we stay on track with nothing clouding our decisions.

As always, I welcome any requests. The e-mail has changed so please use this one instead:

A Fast Is A Fast
      Every January , our church has a fast to start off the New Year . We all partake in some sort of fasting  and it  usually lasts the month . This brought on a huge discussion between Emily and I as to what that fast should include .  As usual , She had many ideas on what I should give up but we could not agree on what hers should be .
      I have done many fasts in the past . Always would take on prayer requests from people . The special prayers during the fast would take on an intensifying passion . My mind would be sharper , clearer and always somehow life would take on a more positive attitude . I love fasting ! It purifies your soul .
     I didn't always feel like this . Honestly , I never quite understood why people did them . When I was a Catholic , I've done Lent every year , not eating meat on Friday . Yet , I've never had that sense of fulfillment that I do  now after fasting . It was , actually , this very New Year January fast that my church does that has changed my mind .
   Of  course , I started small by giving up coffee . This year , I wanted to do something extra special along with my giving up sweets . Instead of giving up ,  I want to start doing something during this time that maybe has always been difficult for me . Something I really hate ......I hate exercising !
   If anyone has a prayer request for me to take on , please send me an email at
They will be confidential .

Have a blessed day everyone.

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