Tuesday, August 18, 2015

A Lost Muse

My muse has left me. I'm not exactly sure when that happened. It must have been while my back was turned doing other projects. She left because she knew how it would be with only a small percentage of my attention on her.

I have never been good at dispensing pieces of myself evenly among my projects. Something always falls short and I wish I was better at handling the workload.

This is why I was never any good at cheating. I could only focus on one person at a time. That's just a little something to ease the way, but it's true.

I've never really considered myself a writer. My goal this year has been to really reach deep within myself and grow as one by branching outside of this blog. Which is great, except for one small problem. I can't seem to separate myself from one project to the next. Either I'm working on this blog or on my journal stories. It's been a struggle for me to balance both, but I know eventually I will work something out.

I shouldn't place all the blame on my muse. My attention has been very amiss, daydreaming instead of working. But then, I haven't been very honest with all of you. I've been holding back certain events that have been conspiring here. Do not worry, soon all will be revealed. Believe me, I have a very good reason for being distracted.

What a wonderful summer breeze coming though my window and daydreaming begins again.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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