Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Storm, Where Art Thou?

I was so excited, really excited when I checked the weather for my area. A storm was coming and I couldn't wait for it to happen. It's been so long since we had a real good one that would cool the air with  a STRONG BREEZE.

I waited and waited, not understanding why it wasn't appearing. The storm clouds looked threatening, all dark and looming overhead. The sun was no where in sight. There even was a shift in the air, you could smell a storm was brewing.

Ever since it has been so humid this summer, I have had to close off my windows, blocking any sun rays. My scenery that has been my muse all these years was gone. Oh, how my writing has suffered because of it!

Not this weekend! I prepared my writing desk and opened up my view. I wanted to witness mother nature at it's best. My coffee and wine was ready, but nothing happened. In fact, it became even  more humid.

In total disgust, I took out my handy sheets and up they went again, vowing to take them down again when the leaves turned brown. Turned on the air and wondered how people survived a mere sixty or more years ago when there wasn't any air conditioner?

Working in a factory can be unbearable during weather like this as everything clings in perspiration. I am so over this summer and the humidity, not having been able to enjoy any of it. It's humid and hot at work. It's humid and hot outside. Mix in my menopause and I'm dying.

One day, Fall will be here and I, once again, can enjoy life. In the meantime, back to cave living and existing on superficial air (thank goodness). Oh, it did storm here while I was at work sweating and not here to enjoy any of it. I hope your summer is going better than mine.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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