Saturday, August 8, 2015

Comforting Comforts

The older I get, the more I enjoy the simple things in life. I don't need many of the things that used to satisfy my soul years ago. Materialistic things. Now, I'm more into feeding my soul instead.

Take this beautiful tree that I couldn't help but admire while enjoying the company of my ladies this afternoon at the woods. So absolutely beautiful and completely flawless in design. It stands so tall, strong and regal, reminding of God's Creation and His Power. He made that for me to enjoy.

The same goes for something tasty like a homegrown tomato straight from the garden. To me, summer isn't summer without growing your own tomatoes. I think that's what I miss the most living in an apartment, not being able to grow my own.

A good home cooked meal of sautéed mushrooms and onions served with fresh baked baguettes.

Add a simple plate and a simple salad and we have a feast of plain simple.

Yet, so comforting and memorable, all shared with the people we love most in our lives.

So such a simple and ordinary day turned out to be so rewarding and comforting at the same time. Just another summer day.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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