Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Women Of Faith

I've always wanted to go to a Women's Conference Retreat for the weekend where I can listen to all these fellow women speakers as they speak forth wisdom for our lives. Who wouldn't want  to spend a weekend being surrounded by other women as we discuss and openly share the struggles we encounter?

It's been awhile since I've belonged to a Women's Group or done a retreat at all, even on a much smaller scale. The reason being lack of time and my work schedule. Working on second shift, you miss out on pretty much of the day's activities.

Still a longing is stirring up inside of me. I've been thinking a lot about a group for women that could meet once a month.
Maybe a group that I could start myself. This idea has been lurking within my heart for awhile now. Mostly, I thought more of the future than the now, like in a bigger apartment in a different city.

I have found that women seek other women out. They are looking for companionship, for understanding from someone of their own sex that may be experiencing the same things. They are looking for an ear, for someone to help them forget their problems even for an hour.

What kind of group would it be? What would I call it? Not really sure. For now, it's just an idea, but my brain is ticking away. So let me ask you fellow women out there. What kind of group are you interested in? What are your expectations? The time? The day? What would be the ideal group for women in your opinion?

Waiting anxiously for your replies. Have a Blessed day everyone.

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