Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Baldness Of Cancer

I've been watching Cancer: The Emperor of Maladies in my spare time. There is a scene where an oncologist, upon finding out she has breast cancer, has a family member shave her head. Her mom and husband sitting around her, the room becomes very quiet as the shears do their work. No one says a word, but they cannot take their eyes off her.
My eyes teared up instantly as I thought of my own experience. You could see her fighting to keep her facial expressions as normal as possible. I remember that moment so well.
There is no one that can go through that and not feel emotions stirring. There is something about going bald that makes the whole situation seem real and dire. I always felt  it was because being bald could only mean  one thing to the outside world ------- cancer.
Let's be honest with one another. When we see others with no hair, our first instinct is to think of  that horrible disease. We think of them as frail and weak. To me, that is the worst part of cancer, loosing one's hair. When I look into the mirror, it's almost like losing my  identity. I look so much like a victim and that's the last impression I care to make.

I don't want the pity, but show me compassion instead. There is a difference. Show me compassion by helping me in some way. Is there a chore that needs to be done? A dish that can be donated for dinner so I don't have to worry about cooking? Maybe I need something from the store? Pick up a prescription? The list is endless for ways to show compassion to a fellow cancer patient.

I'll never forget a time when I visited a family at the hospital of a dying family member. I brought coffee and bagels. I'll never forget the gratitude in such a small gesture. They didn't even realize how hungry or thirsty they were until they saw me walk in with these goodies.

Phew, I'm really get ahead of myself, but this documentary really has stirred up mixed emotions inside  of me.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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