Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Stages Of Remission

You're all probably thinking that I've gone crazy. Stages of remission? Don't you mean stages of cancer? No, I don't. Having gone through it now three times, I have come to see a pattern in my recovery while in remission.

Stage 1
After we're done with chemo, there is a grace period of just relaxation. Usually during this time, I play hookie from everything. I eat junk food, call in sick to work or get my hair styled if I didn't go bald. If I did, then I'm showing off the stubble and not wearing scarves. Basically, I have fun  breathing in the sunshine and hanging out with others. This usually lasts about three months.

Stage 2
This is my least favorite. After all the fun, aches and pains return throwing a damper into our plans. Suddenly, my knee starts to hurt and the arthritis acts up  in full force. A couple of boils, my nails become brittle and even skin flakiness behind my ears. This occurs like clockwork every single time. It's like the meds have worn off and I begin to feel the pain.

Stage 3
This is where I'm at now. Once we realize that all these aches are back, we do our best in treating them. This time around I've decided to add my dental. There is an urgency at this stage unlike the others, because quite a bit of time has passed and we're worried about remission ending. We need to accomplish all the things on our health list before the cancer strikes again.

Stage 4
This stage is bittersweet. During this time we become hypochondriacs imagining every ache as something serious. I believe it's because my cancer is a re-occurring one and considerable time has elapsed, therefore my thinking becomes it is back. Or worse, it has spread elsewhere.

There is another side to it, a really weird one. There are times that I actually miss the chemotherapy. I know that's crazy, but the day it was administered was totally reserved for me only. No one bothered me in any way. I could read in quiet retrospect and crochet peacefully. No phones calls. No e-mails. No expectations at all. I called it my spa day.

I'm sure there is yet another stage here and there afterwards, but maybe that comes later.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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