Friday, April 3, 2015

Day 21

 If there is one thing I want to leave behind when I die, are pleasant memories for everyone in my life. I want a relationship instead of being just an acquaintance.
My Joey was the only boy in our family surrounded by all girls for over 17 years. In the last 13, I have been blessed to have Logan, Luke, Tim, Justin, Ashton, Kai and Lachlan as my nephews and grandson. There were also a few girls thrown in there, too.
Yesterday morning, I was honored to have spent some time with one of them. Luke, a bundle of energy ready to explode any minute and with a hint of a moustache, joined my mother and I on our weekly shopping spree. One would think that a boy of twelve would be bored doing so, but he was beaming the entire time.
He could not stop fidgeting as if he swallowed a spring exclaiming what's next?
He is also my little knitter who with his own  two large hands knitted a pair of slippers for himself. There was a small problem of one being larger than the other. He couldn't take his eyes off my hands amazed how fast I could crochet. When his father called to check up on him, inquiring what his son was doing at that time, Luke yelled out:
 I'm watching Lottie break a record!
My time spent with Luke has me grinning from ear to ear this morning just remembering everything. When I came home from work, he left me messages on my ministry page, making this Aunt feeling special.
I hope that on this Good Friday, each and every one of you will have an opportunity to make someone else smile or share a laugh. Making memories is a beautiful thing, folks!
Have a Blessed day everyone.

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