Friday, April 24, 2015


Four more days until the weekend, Lottie.

I hear that line every Monday at work from my friend Roman. It's a game we play until Friday comes around, counting down the days. You see, we speak of the upcoming weekend as a reward for all of our struggles during the week that we 've endured. It becomes a goal to look forward to.

There was a time where Friday was something that I dreaded. The night before I would spend in agony losing sleep with my stomach in knots. All that stress all bound up inside of me. All I could think about were all the things I still needed to accomplish before the week ended. When the night finally came to a close, I would stumble out of work, my feet and head both aching. I couldn't wait to get home and take my shoes off to relax with a glass of wine.

That no longer happens. I have come to appreciate my days off from work, even if they are shut-down days, because of no orders. I have learned that our bodies need rest and we cannot function properly without it. Stress and tiredness affects our health, especially our attitudes. A smile goes a longer way than a frown.

We are a society that feels we need to be productive all the time. We fill our schedules with overflowing appointments and duties, so we can feel we are living life to the fullest.

Well, you can live your life and miss the boat entirely.

When I visit my grandchildren, they both fight over whose bedroom I should spend my time in. All they want is for me to sit with them and watch them play. They show me all their writings, any new toys or dresses. Look grandma, look grandma. That's all I hear. They don't care if I join in that volleyball game or not. All they want is to see or feel my presence near them. They want my undivided attention.

So you see, I've come to  really appreciate the weekends for what they truly are . . . a time to spend in the company of those we love. So relax, unwind in whatever fashion is de-stressing to you. Take that time that God has provided for our bodies to rest and stop feeling guilty over it. Pamper yourself so you can be around for the people in your life.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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