Friday, April 10, 2015

Day 28

Is my plan God's plan?

In my earlier days as a Christian, that was one of my favorite sayings. Somehow, I honestly believed that God's plan was the same as mine. The future I held inside my head would be the same as what God wanted from me. Now, I just want to laugh at that assumption.

Just try to remember a time when our children were small and we asked them to do something totally opposite of what they wanted. Do you remember their reaction? That's how I kind of look at my assumption of  Is my plan God's plan?

It's perfectly easy to follow God's plan when it coincides with our plan beautifully, but what if we are placed in a situation where we are looking for the exit sign instead?

That's how I view my life on second shift at work.

Last week, we were handed a sheet for re-alignment to first shift if we wanted to. I have dreamed of this day ever since my original shift was closed. We all remember how that turned out and I ended up where I'm at now.

Funny thing, now that the opportunity presented itself in my favor, I was stumped whether I should make another move or not. I decided to make a list of all the pros and cons of the situation. Then I emailed my daughter that list and asked her to choose one item from both sides that she viewed " most important". I also consulted the opinion of a friend and her views on it.

Their thoughts were almost identical even though they have never met. They both thought that my position here was needed whereas on first, it didn't matter, they already had someone in that spot. My daughter also chose having dinner with me every night as a pro and car problems as a con.

What about me? What drew me to first? Well, I always held a vision in my head of coming home and enjoying the evening hours like a normal person. My children's childhood was spent with me on Second shift. Family dinners didn't exist. I have missed out on many everyday things such as enjoying an evening with a friend or a bible study  or any event that included socializing after work.

The thing is, I have been kicking and screaming ever since I got here on second last February. Thinking something in your head is one thing, but would it really be any different? Any better? It might be worse.

After listening to Dr. James Dobson's radio program, I heard his son ( his co-host ) tell of how he came to work with his father. This was never his intention, he always wanted to live on a beach, but instead ended up where he is now. The first few years were horrible, filled with financial problems and he often wondered why God placed him where he was.

That sort of cinched the deal for me. I thought of Jonah and Moses and their struggle to accept their path in life. A path that was chosen by God. So folks, I filled out that form and decided to finally obey God by staying where He placed me in the first place. I won't be going anywhere unless they themselves move me.

There is something good here, I just don't see it yet, but I'm  staying where I'm needed.

Have a Blessed day everyone.

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