Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Oh, Grant Me Patience

The waiting room at the dentist was full when I got there 30 minutes earlier than my appointment. I was hoping she might take me  before my scheduled time if she was caught up. Looking around the room, I could see that wasn't going to happen.
For the next two hours, I read my e-mails and checked my facebook. I watched a quiz show and the news, growing impatient with each minute going by. Oh, why didn't I bring my hook and yarn?
By the time I finally left, my frustration levels have skyrocketed. All that waiting for an x-ray and a referral! Not to mention a tardy for work if I didn't step on it and get going.
I did make it, tired and hungry since there wasn't any time for breakfast that morning. I grabbed the first cannister out of the refrigerator for lunch ( mashed potatoes ) plus, I wasn't even able to finish my morning coffee.
As I went about my daily routine at work, I fast realized I needed to re-adjust my attitude or my day would go south in a hurry. It is so easy to fall into a pit of despair when things don't go according to plan. The devil is always lurking in the shadows ready to steal our joy away from us.
I thought of all the good things that had happened to me that day. I was one step closer to that perfect smile. Another item checked off my "to do" list. My car was working just fine. The sun was shining and my bills were paid.
It was definitely turning out to be a terrific day!

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