Thursday, August 2, 2012

Wishes Fulfilled

   Reading over  " My Bucket List " , I realize how happy I really am . Do I  need to accomplish all those things to be happy ? No , not really , because the one wish I really , really wanted I already have . I have my grandchildren .
   I didn't just want to become a grandma , I wanted a relationship with that grandchild . Since my cancer came back the second time , I felt my time was limited . Becoming a grandma is not a problem . Babies are born all the time .  Building a relationship with that child is another story .  For that child to remember me , I have to spend quite a few years here on earth .
    At that time , I felt I would never experience fully being a grandma  . Then God Blessed me with a daughter-in-law with children . With these children , I have developed a relationship . I have fallen in love with them .
   Since my Joe is a newlywed , people ask me when  will there be the sound of pitter patter in their home . I always reply , there already is that sound in their home . Another line is  " I bet you can't wait to become a grandma " and I reply " I already am a grandma " .
  As far as I'm concerned , my wish is fullfilled and I am content with the two I have . If there happens to be more ? God Bless ! Until then , I'm very happy with my Hannah and Tim .
  Does that mean  I'm not fulfilling my buscket list ? Heck no ! I want to do all those things . It would truly be great if I get that chance but the most important I already have . The second most important ? My St. Jude's !!
  So you can say I'm a pretty happy gal ! Have a Blessed Week everyone . I hope your wishes get fulfilled .

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