Friday, August 10, 2012

What If. . ..

  Watching the Olympics has become our life around here . Keeping up with the daily events , it warms my heart to see the positive comments on Twitter coming from the athletes quoting scriptures . There couldn't be better role models to encourage our youth .
  With the positive always comes the negative . For every role model out there , there is always someone who wants to bring them down . To diminish all the work they have done on themselves . To diminish their Faith in themselves and in God .
  Reading one such article and all the negative comments posted by readers brought my blood to a boil . Quickly , my fingers reached toward the keyboard with a hot comment of my own . Anger running through my body , I'm disappointed in not being able to post it . You have to be a member to do so . I refuse to be part of such a rag .
  As quickly as the anger came , just as fast did it disappear . Filled with remorse at my own behavior , I find that this is not the way . You don't fight ignorance with anger , you fight it with knowledge .
   As I re-read all the comments regarding God , I was disappointed and disheartened .  People have very misguided , uninformative and ignorant view of the Bible and of God . They just plain don't know . My first thought ? Who were the people who gave these people their views . Was it the Priests ? The teachers in Sunday School ? Or was it us Christians ?
   In a way . it really doesn't matter now . What does matter is that we have to change their mind .We have to prove them wrong .
   I used to work with an atheist who constantly went out of his way to make me his target . If I left inspirational verses on my desk , he would write obscene comments on them . I would avoid him like the plague .
   Now looking back ,  I see things differently . I believe , my very presence unnerved HIM . I made HIM uncomfortable because deep down inside he knew . . . . . he feared  . . . . that he could be wrong . That's the " what if " part . What if he is wrong ? What if there is a God ? What then ? He wasn't fighting me , he was fighting his very core . . . . . the core that God gave him . A core we are born with . I learned that from a fellow Women's Group member . I believe she is right .
  That knowledge brought some comfort to me  and it should bring some to you , too . There is hope and may we never lose that hope . Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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