Friday, August 24, 2012

The Daughter Of A King

    The minute I stepped inside work , nothing but negative energy engulfed me , swallowing me whole . Walking the packaging floor trying to dodge all the complaints  proved to be futile . It was gonna be another one of those nights . When a person is unhappy , they lash out at everything in their path . Last night , I was the path .
     I tried . . . . . really tried  to let things slide off me but all the unhappiness of everyone else clung to me . People were in a mood , not getting along  ; machinery didn't want to operate correctly ; computers froze ; issues all around . Things weren't going well and they were getting worse by the minute .
    I felt disappointment . Having agreed to meet an old friend for breakfast the next morning , I wanted to be refreshed and energized . I wanted an easier night but already I could see it wasn't going to happen . Frustration can ruin anyone's mood .
     Some days , you just want to curl up under the covers and hide . I knew there was nothing I could say or do to appease these people tonight . A bad night is a bad night and nothing can shake it off . They weren't happy and wanted to be heard . People just want to know someone is hearing them .
     Taking a deep breath I kept repeating to myself something what my Pastor once said to me .....
                                    " You are the daughter of a King ."
                                    " You are the  daughter of a King ."
     No matter what anyone says or does to me , I am a daughter of a King . Nothing can ever change that . You can try to belittle me . You can shower me with verbal abuse . You can mock me , BUT . . . . . . 
                                     " I am a daughter of a King ."
     I kept looking at the clock , wishing the hands would move faster . Let this miserable night be over quickly . When has my job become just a job ? A paycheck ? Since my return , there has been more and more of these kind of nights . Have I really changed that much ? Has my direction in life changed ? Has it changed for others here , too ?
     My fulfillment doesn't come from here any longer . My ministries have become my livelihood . My job has lost it's appeal . When I look around , it all seems pointless , somehow . I feel the draw to run home and do my " work " . I finally realized what I want to be in life . In the meantime  . . . . .
                                   " I am the daughter of a King "

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