Sunday, August 12, 2012


  Having never seen the show , I finally decided to catch up on what everyone has been talking about these last couple of years  .  Having some preconceived ideas I was quite surprised at how much I really fell in love with the show .  I've always thought the show had a sort of voodoo/black magic attached to it and instantly that put me on guard .  So far , the only sign of that is the " black smoke " that I call evil .
    What has surprised me  is that each person is on  a journey . A journey of redemption . Isn't this so true of us ? Aren't we all trying to find ourselves amidst the mess that we have created ? There are many characters from all walks of life . . . . . . from a woman dying of cancer to a woman murderer . Being marooned on an island isn't the only place they are lost . They are lost on the inside .
   One of my favorite scenes is that of a Nigerian rebel/drug traffiker , who has killed many of his own people , come face to face with the feared " black smoke " . The Nigerian didn't even flinch as he and the black smoke stared each other down . Why should he ? Evil staring at evil . Of course , the black smoke didn't even attack .  Later on , I believe , when he has found God and comes face to face with the Black smoke he is killed .
  Yes , there is alot here to learn from and use for teaching . As I watch each episode , I see their struggles . I see the failures and their successes . I see hope . I see a herion addict building a church as he overcomes the demons inside .
  The other side of the coin : I see people trying to manipulate , destroy and kill for the sake of their own desires . This is life and the island is a world . I guess it doesn't matter where we are or under what circumstances , there is a road that we travel on searching to be found . . . . to be forgiven . . . . . to be accepted and loved .
  I have no idea how this will end . I am only on season two , but , I can say I have changed my opinion of this show  which is another lesson in life . Don't judge until you have walked in those shoes . Experience it before you make up your mind about something .
  Have  a Blessed Week everyone .

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