Friday, August 3, 2012

The New Generation

   I have never been exposed to the differences between the ages as I have now . These adult kids are super-computerized , super-technical , super-cellphoned and just plain super . The new generation of young people can do all things with just a touch of the finger . Keeping up is not even in the forecast  for me .
   Their ways are definitely not my ways . While they are off in the fast lane , I'm struggling behind with my old fliptop cellphone  , 1998 Durango and old screen computer monitor . An Iphone , an Ipad, a Kindle , Smartphone and Pandora are as foreign to me as a street in Lebanon . I've heard of these things but to operate ? I've just learned how to clean out my cookies and I have to do that with step by step instructions written down by my son .
   You ever want to feel the differences in ages ? Observe how an older person and a twenty-something handle the same situation . When my car was in need of repair , the first thing I did was look for my yellow pages . Seriously . I searched the apartment wondering where the heck I placed it last . While I'm still muttering under my breath , the twenty-something already has found at least 10 places in the neighborhood , has a quote  and is setting up an appointment . I can only stand in wonder .
  Will I ever come into this century ? Probably not  , but then I really don't want to . I like reading from a real book . I like the idea of holding a book , turning pages , as I admire the craftsmanship of a hardcover .
  I like sending and receiving mail such as Get Well cards and Birthday cards . I like to write letters . They are so much more personal and caring then any e-mail . But then , it is a gesture of love and respect  .
  While technology is a wonderful thing , it can also hurt us as we let it rule our life . Listen to me talking . The one invention I just love ? I love the computer . I love e-mails and facebook . Take that away from me and sees what happens . I can walk away from it for a day or two . The third day withdrawal sets in and its not pretty .
  I find that I don't need all these techno things . I'm quite happy in my skin doing what I want . I guess , I've become just plain old . Playing card or board games with my grandkids is more fun than all these Xbox games . At least , I can participate in them .
  So , for all you others that are so super techno , well good for you  but I'm happy being me . Have a Blessed Week everyone .


  1. Yes, yes, I believe this generation was born with a computer chip in their blood that we didn't get. But, could they survive without all this? In my day (oh, dear, I am old!) I watched the ice man deliver ice (no refrigerator!) I hung the wash on the clothes line (no dryer), I walked to the store cause there was only one car and dad took that to work, I didn't have a t.v. until I was almost 8, I made sure I had a dime on me to use the telephone booth in an emergency (no cell phone) and I typed all of my docs on a manual typewriter on which I could type over 90 words a minute. I also learned to write in cursive!! I could go on and on! Those WERE the days!! :)

  2. haahaha, no kidding ! I still like to hang out my laundry , it smells so good from the outdoors .
