Saturday, August 11, 2012

Everyone Serves A Purpose

  I have many friends but none of them are my close , close friends where I share all my personal details of my life . No one truly knows everything about me . Each friend is a part of my life in a certain way . And that's the way I like it .
   I don't believe in " tell all " sessions with fellow female bonding moments . There are things you just leave between God and you . Secrets with others have no place in the real world .
  With the friendships I have , I am truly Blessed . They come in many different forms and from many different places . I like the diversity of my friendships .
  Each friend has an unique gift that they share with me . Whether it is a love of sight-seeing and touring Illinois or just plain chit chatter at work . There are friends who will always make me laugh . Then there are those good for a  cry when needed . I share something different with each one .
  Since none of them are my true blue girl , in whom do I confide in ? My daughter . Of all the women in my life , my girl happens to be my daughter . She is the only one who knows everything intimate about me  . Our relationship has evolved from parent/child to woman to woman .
  I find that my friends take on roles in my life that only they alone can fill . I believe that's true of everyone . We go to specific people for specific things . This is why the friends we choose fulfill a certain purpose in our lives .  If I'm a negative person I have at least one friend who is always positive  . When I need help with my car , I don't go to a friend who is a baker .
  What about our emotional needs ? Our mental state  ? Where or with whom can I have a soul satisfying friendship ? When I honestly think back to the times I needed someone , I always reached out to one friend . I reached out to God .
   When we exist in a world where relationships are needed to co-exist , it is a comfort to know that there is one friend I can always turn to  . . . . Jesus . He is all my friends in one . Have a Blessed Week everyone .

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