Wednesday, August 15, 2012

End Of The Spear

  Watching the Christian movie , " End Of The Spear " , gave me very mixed feelings . In the beginning , I really wasn't a fan . There seemed to be so much violence . Violence against each other . The longer I travel on this journey , the harder it is for me to accept all this pain and suffering that we cause to people we love and to people we hate  . Why do we hate ? ! It seems so pointless to me . Why ? Why do we do this to each other ?
   Not being able to watch all of it in one sitting , I turned it off . On my way to work , with the movie stuck inside my head ,  I found myself shedding quite a few tears for mankind  . If I could change one thing about this world  . . . . I would have us love each other . To treat each other with respect and kindness . To end all this violence , brother against brother .
   I can watch a scary movie and not be fazed by the gore because it is not real . Show me a true story and I fall apart . To think that someone suffered in this way upsets me . That is one reason why I can't watch the Passion Of Christ . I think it would just about kill me to watch Christ suffer so much  .
   Emotionally , my defenses have come down alot with each round of cancer . The layers peeling away the wall built around my emotions. That part where you FEEL . Where you FEEL compassion , love and understanding for fellow living and breathing beings . Whether animal or human . If I feel this way with one or two people . . . . . how does God go through this with ALL of US ?! How does He endure what we do to each other . How does He endure our pain , our suffering , our indifference . How does He endure loving but not being loved back . . .
   The movie ended beautifully . The violence turned into love  and people came to Christ . This particular true story ended well but how many don't ? How many more people have to murder , lie , cheat and destroy what God has made . God not only made the trees  or mountains but He also made us . We are destroying what He has created .
   My bedroom window is very large and I have beautiful scenery to look out at everyday . There are times it's not always " nice " . Sometimes  , I witness people yelling obscenity outside their cars because someone stopped where there was no STOP sign . Or there may be a couple who is fighting with words you can never take back . Or a child arguing with their parent saying words that will haunt them forever .
   How do we stop ? The next time  you feel anger toward someone . . . just stop .The end of the spear is very sharp .

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