Wednesday, April 3, 2019

When The News Is Not Good News

                                                   Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

When sorrow all our heart would ask,
  We need not shun our daily task,
    And hide ourselves for calm;
  The herbs we seek to heal our woe
  Familiar by our pathway grow,
    Our common air is balm.

When the news is not good news. I am sure that no one ever prepares for the bad stuff in our lives. There is no plan for when we get cancer or if we lose the house or if we lose a loved one. We never think about those moments. Bad news is just that . . . BAD NEWS!

We always make plans for all the good things that happen in our life like Weddings, vacations, babies and retirement. We feverishly plan for these events and in some cases, for years. We are always in the mood for hope, because without it there is nothing to strive for in life. Hope brings it all together as we go through the trials. We never prepare for trials, but we know they will come. So why don't we?

I don't mean getting a preppers pantry for the apocalypse, but we can at least prepare by strengthening our faith or relationships so we can fight the good fight when the time does come. We don't think about getting on our knees in prayer or worship until it is too late. 

My bad news came the first time my cancer returned. You may think it should be when I was first diagnosed, but you would be wrong. I can fight that and I did. You see, once the original fight was over, I honestly thought I would be done with cancer for life. I was healed in every sense of the word. I believed that I kicked cancer's butt. 

When I heard the bad news it was back 4 1/2 years later, I burst out crying. I wasn't ready for it in any sense of the word. I thought it was the end for me. That entire bout with cancer dealt with my acceptance of my disease. I will always have cancer and I will prepare for it both mentally/physically. 

When other cancer patients approach me to pray with them, I always include the prayer for acceptance of whatever the results actually may be. It won't always be good news. There will be moments when we hear the bad. Unfortunately, that is something we all have to face at one time or another. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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