Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The 100 Day Project; Day 7 Of Writing

                                                 Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

There is no greater happiness 
than to be able to look on a life
 usefully and virtuously employed:
 to trace our own purposes in existence
 by such tokens that excite neither shame 
nor sorrow.
—Dr. Johnson.

Starting a YouTube Channel was quite a challenge for me. In fact, I'm not exactly sure why I did it in the first place. I've never been good at public speaking of any kind. In fact, I hated it! My love has always been writing, not speaking. Talk about being out of my comfort zone!

To say that I struggled with have been an understatement. My lighting was horrible! I would try different angles, different spots in my entire apartment just to get that right lighting. It makes a huge difference if it is morning, afternoon or night. It makes a huge difference if it is cloudy or too sunny. Everything has to be taken into account when making a video. I still haven't mastered making a video in the evening. I ended up buying two lamps that are a clip on instead of an actual stand. This way I can attach them anywhere to get that right lighting effect. I still have a long way to go in that department, but at least, it is much better than what it was in the beginning. 

That was one obstacle and another came to the surface. Speaking into the camera. It looks so easy, but it isn't. I would literally practice every moment in my head over and over again while I was at work or at the store or cleaning the apartment. I would dream at night these videos, repeating the same words over and over. Even when I would film, it would take several clips for me to get through it. 

When I finally became comfortable making these videos, I realized I had to learn how to market and sell myself to the YouTube Subscribers. Lord, how do I do that? Another lesson, another struggle. Being on YouTube certainly hasn't been easy at all. Before when I would watch and only be a subscriber to someone's channel, I thought it looked so easy. Now I know better. 

There is so much for me to learn, but I really want to succeed in this new, yet difficult venture. We need to stretch ourselves so we can become better in life. Learning is something that we never really outgrow. There is so much out there, so much knowledge just waiting for someone to grab it. Learn it and spread it. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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