Saturday, April 27, 2019

The 100 Day Project: Day 23 Of Writing

                                               Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey. 

Yea! In Thy life our little lives are ended,
Into Thy depths our trembling spirits fall;
In Thee enfolded, gathered, comprehended,
As holds the sea her waves--Thou hold'st us all.

So how is the 100 Day Project going? Well, I am posting every single day, but I feel rushed. Writing isn't something that one can do in a single sitting in a few minutes. At least, not for me. I have a drafts folder where I keep a total of 100 or more unfinished stories. Sometimes, I can finish a post in one morning and there are some that I only add to them a sentence or paragraph at a time. It all depends on how much time I have or if the muse is cooperating. 

I have seen an interview once on PBS with a Mystery writer. He was asked about his technique when it came to writing. His reply made me feel better about my own writing habit or lack of. He sits in front of the keyboard at the same time every single day. He has this routine and he keeps it religiously. It doesn't matter if he writes anything or not. Sometimes, he has a great day and others just ideas come flowing through. The point here was to keep the routine as if he was going to work daily. 

The content of my writing isn't what I normally post. I feel as if I have been lacking writing skills. Or at least ideas. I am not sure what has happened in the past several months, but I have lost the amount of readers I was maintaining up to January. One has to post on a daily basis to maintain that steady flow of readers visiting everyday. I ended up slowly missing days for whatever reasons. I didn't have enough time and even lacked a story. I became busier and the blog suffered by my not writing daily. To be honest, not too long ago, days turned into a full week between a story. 

I wish I could devote a specific time to just writing, but that isn't possible with the schedule I am keeping nowadays. Schedules change all the time in our life and we go with the flow as it happens. Maybe a shift will happen where time will be available and once again, the schedule will change. One never can tell. For now, I'm still searching for my muse. Have you seen her?

Have ablessed day everyone. 

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