Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The 100 Day Project: Day 14 Of Writing

                                                   Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Sweet is the smile of home; 
the mutual look
When hearts are of each other sure;
Sweet all the joys that crowd the household nook,
The haunt of all affections pure.

I woke up to the to the sounds of birds chirping. The sounds of Spring! I could hear them so distinctly, because my bedroom window was opened. The temperatures have been up and down all week, but today it was in the 60's. Just two days ago we had snow falling all night and all day. Crazy weather for sure!

I laid there listening to all the sounds of early morning. The birds singing, the people coming and going, the train blowing it's whistle in the distance. Yet somehow, it felt peaceful. I definitely didn't want to get up out of bed. 

These past four months of the New Year have been one of my most stressful. Or should I say, frustrating? Nothing and I mean nothing, gets done on the first try nor the second. The pension is still in process of being transferred into an IRA. The insurance, well that's another issue. Even the cable people won't leave me alone, calling me relentlessly trying to make a deal. I don't want the cable! 

Just let me lay here and bask in the quiet of the morning. 

I used to be so good at handling worry or at least, a little better at it. So why not now? Well, this is certainly uncharted waters for me. I am not educated in the ways of stocks and bonds. Or last Will and Testaments. Or many of these documents that I need to take care of . . . finally.

I want a balcony or a little patio where I can sit on in peace and quiet. That is something that Emily and I have always wanted. Just a wee bit of private outdoor space. Maybe it's time to just go and leave this concrete world behind. As I drove to visit my niece last weekend, I thought to myself as I looked around my surroundings: There are no trees here or woods. Just a whole bunch of concrete. 

Perhaps, there is a change coming and my heart can feel it? Sometimes, our hearts don't quite meet up with our brains. There is a bit of restlessness, uncertainty and a bit of fear involved in case of the unknown. Right now, I'm just glad I can hear the birds sing to me every morning. Sing on, sing on.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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