Thursday, April 4, 2019

The 100 Day Project: Day 1 of Writing

                                                  Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Between us and Thyself remove
Whatever hindrances may be,
That so our inmost heart may prove
A holy temple, meet for Thee.

YouTube has become an everyday thing for me lately, so when I saw this 100 Day Project going around, I was intrigued. So what is it? Well, let me quote here:

What Is the 100-Day Project? It's a celebration of process that encourages everyone to participate in 100 days of making. The great surrender is the process; showing up dayafter day is the goal. For the 100-Day Project, it's not about fetishizing finished products—it's about the process. 

I have decided to participate, but in my own way, of course. We are to post on instagram our progress with photos or videos using the hashtag #100DayProject. I don't have instagram. Many people are posting videos on a daily basis of them walking, reading, crafting items and things artsy. 

I have chosen to write for 100 days solid. This will be quite a challenge for me, because lately writing everyday has been a struggle for me. I used to blog on a daily basis, never missing, because it was extremely therapeutic to my well-being. So what has happened? I don't know. There are times my mind is a total blank and no words come out. It's as if my mind is muddled up with all these things and I can't think straight. I am seeking clarity, but for what, I am not sure. 

Like all things I approach in life, I am looking forward to what will emerge from this experience. I believe that there is a lesson to be learned from every experience we indulge in whether good or bad. Maybe, just maybe, this project is what I need to get back on schedule with my writing. Today marks the first day of this awesome project. Will you join me? What will you do for your 100 Day Project?

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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