Monday, April 22, 2019

The 100 Day Project: Day 18 Of Writing

                                                                Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                 everyday is a journey.

The morning drum-call on my eager ear
Thrills unforgotten yet! the morning dew
Lies yet undried along my field of noon.
But now I pause a while in what I do,
And count the bell, and tremble lest I hear
(My work untrimmed) the sunset gun too soon.
—Robert Louis Stevenson.

A few months ago, I started a food journal as a way for me to monitor what I eat. Now, why would I want to do that? Well, you see, I have changed my lifestyle in the past several years. I've changed how I cook and prepare food. If I had to rate myself on how well I've done, I would say I'm at 90% way there. 

Still, there is that 10% that is preventing me from leading a healthy lifestyle. No matter what I try to do, I never quite make it there. That was the whole point of a food journal. I wanted to see what I was doing wrong. 

For one thing, I have noticed that I start off really well. At home, I do everything right. It's when I'm away from home that I make all the wrong choices. I've compiled a small list of these things. 

1. I have no willpower to say no to any kind of junk offered to me. The sweets, the fast food and the junk snacks are my worst enemies. Offer it to me and I will take it fully knowing I will not be feeling well afterwards. 

2. The first thing I do upon arriving at work is to go to the office snack table. You know what I mean? Every work has one where people bring stuff on a regular basis. That leftover birthday cake or snacks from home someone wants to de-clutter. Let's not forget the usual birthday work celebrations, retirements and the famous holiday sweet table. We have one for every holiday out there, even sweetest day.

3. I've also noticed that I would pass over a hearty breakfast, opting for a quick bagel. Bagels have plenty of sugar in them. Not a really good choice, although, I truly love them. Same thing for lunch and totally binge on my supper. No portion sizes there!

4. Which leads me into portion sizes! Yup, I have no idea what they are. I will not waste food, so I feel I need to eat everything off my plate even if I am stuffed. 

5. Recently, I have confided to someone how I eat at night, especially upon returning from a ten hour shift. This person said something quite true here. They said it's not that you eat at night, it's the fact that you are idle after eating. You go to bed. Absolutely right. 

6. I've also noticed that I don't really drink my jug of water when I am at home. I have increased my take of coffee to two large cups (equaling 4 cups total) daily. 

Having this food journal has really helped me focus on the things I need to change to get to my goal of eating 100% healthy and loving it! Now that we have discovered what is wrong, tomorrow we will talk about the changes I've implemented. See you there.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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