Friday, April 26, 2019

The 100 Day Project: Day 22 Of Writing

                                                                            Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                             everyday is a journey.

What channel needs our faith, except the eyes?
    God leaves no spot of earth unglorified;
  Profuse and wasteful, lovelinesses rise;
    New beauties dawn before the old have died.
Trust thou thy joys in keeping of the Power
    Who holds these changing shadows in His hand;
  Believe and live, and know that hour by hour
    Will ripple newer beauty to thy strand.

It has been one heck of a beginning to a month. For one thing, everything has been breaking. Just last night, I got a text from Emily at work. 

Hey, there was a crash in the pantry and the lamp fell down shattering it's bulb everywhere. 

So what else is new? The oven, the lamp, the curtain rod doesn't want to stay up, the wifi goes off, the cable stopped working when we had it. She continued:

Everything in this place is falling apart. But somehow we are still surviving. 
Boy, you got that right! Life keeps moving regardless of what is happening to you at that moment. This is why I have always cared more in the process of relationship with others. I've never cared how many grandchildren I had. All I wanted was a relationship with the ones I did have. I wanted them to remember our time together and who grandma Lottie was.

Since being diagnosed with cancer, relationships took a higher place in my life. That is something, because before cancer, I didn't care for many of the people. I wish I could say that all my relationships are thriving, but that would be a lie. Sometimes, the other person doesn't want a relationship with us no matter how much we try. The door stays shut.

Twelve years and still not mended. Instead, they're torn to shreds. How do we restore the "us" as a unit when it's only the one person trying? You can't. You just keep trying and trying. You never give up hope. Maybe one day. it will be set right.

Have a blessed day everyone.

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