Monday, September 17, 2018

Things We've Learned

                                                           Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                           everyday is a journey.

When the lamp is shattered
The light in the dust lies dead--
When the cloud is scattered
The rainbow's glory is shed.
When the lute is broken
Sweet tones are remembered not;
When the lips have spoken
Loved accents are soon forgot.

Whoever said that knowledge is power, knew what they were talking about. We may have stayed put in one spot all year, but we sure have learned a lot during this time. Maybe that was the whole point?

We have learned about our bodies and what it takes to keep them healthy and strong. Each of us needs something different for our body to work properly. Each of our bodies is lacking in something, some vitamin deficiency we need more of than normal. All of it, of course, involves research and experimentation. 

Both Emily and I are on a road of natural, organic and stress free lifestyle. We have learned how to eat healthy by eliminating so much waste from our diet. The same can be applied to over the counter medication. If it is a minor irritation or scrape, we prefer to look on-line for a home remedy for the cure. 

The same can be said of vitamins. We really have embraced vitamin intake whether by pill form or via vegetables. Emily is the expert of us two on this subject. She watches how many grams of each she needs daily to be healthy. Great, great job on her part in maintaining that lifestyle. Not so by me. I will eat healthy, but occasionally still indulge. She exercises and I don't, just the basics for me. 

Another area involved our finances. We set a pretty high goal of becoming debt free by the end of this year. We made great progress by mid year, but I'm not exactly sure we will meet the goal by the end of December. I'm thinking we might have been a bit ambitious and hopeful in that department. I made one error. I didn't leave room for unexpected expenditures which happen in this life. Not everything is black and white. 

Probably the most important lesson of all is this: Not everything is set in stone. We cannot get too comfortable in our shoes. Changes happen all the time and what we thought was going to happen in our life suddenly shifts into another direction. Believe me, I never thought my future would be different than what I have pictured inside my head. Yet, lately, I'm beginning to believe that God's plan for me has been completely different than my plan. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

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