Saturday, September 15, 2018

A 4 Day Weekend Pt.3

                                                     Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

 Let my soul beneath her load
  Faint not through the o'erwearied flesh;
  Let me hourly drink afresh
  Love and peace from Thee, my God!

I don't know what it is about Sunday, but it goes soooo fast! I never could figure it out. We get up and go to Church. We come home and prepare Supper. The next thing we know it's evening already. What happened to the day? The day is exactly the same every single time and yet, it disappears quicker than any other day of the week.

It was no different this Sunday. Church. A quick lunch before Emily goes off to work. We made a Turkish dish of lasagna noodles, tons of sauteed onions and usually it is mixed in with ground beef. Since we're vegetarian, we minced up some veggies in the food processor instead. When everything is cooked,you combine it together. Yes, everything. Add the noodles, onions, ground beef or minced veggies into one bowl. Toss. Serve with a large dollop of plain yogurt on top. Add salt and quite a bit of pepper. Pepper is the secret ingredient that makes the dish.

After dropping Emily off at work, I sat down to write. A cup of coffee ready on my desk and I set off into a world of words. I love to write! I find it therapeutic as I pour out my heart in letters. The next thing I knew it was dark outside and suddenly Sunday was over. A 4 day weekend turned into just one day left. 

Where did it go? Just like Sunday, this 4 day disappeared into thin air. One more day. Have to make it last somehow longer than the rest. What can I do to make it a special day? I will crochet!

Have a blessed day everyone.

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