Thursday, September 13, 2018

A 4 Day Weekend Pt.2

                                                             Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

 Though Love repine, and Reason chafe,
    There came a voice without reply,--
  'Tis man's perdition to be safe,
    When for the truth he ought to die.

A 4 day weekend quickly turned into a 3 day just like that in one night. Wink! I was up early with the birdies as my day was packed with activity. I had plans and I had goals. Accomplishment was the word for the day as I ran downstairs with a load of laundry. Just one load before I pick up my mom and we head out to the Farmers Market. Our favorite place. 

All night long it stormed heavily. Today was to be a drizzling with rain kind of day and deeply overcast. A good day to stay in with a good book or movie. None of which we did. 

Returning home, I quickly unloaded putting away the groceries. My main goal was to pack up the throw pillows I made and deliver them as soon as possible. Washing, packing, labeling the boxes, loading the car and delivering take up a lot of my time.  I am always happy to send off a donation from my Ministry. Thank goodness that I have two delivery people who make the majority of the trips to the various organizations. I only cover the area surrounding my apartment. This one was in Park Ridge and I anxiously awaited to hear a reply from them.

My second goal involved paperwork. I am no fan of paperwork involving speaking on the phone with insurance people or any kind of administrative contact. There were some changes needed in my 401K and health insurance. Not to mention scheduling of vacation time among other things. For everything we do, there seems to be an username/password involved. Who can remember all these things? I actually have a notebook for them. 

Believe it or not, this took me quite a bit of time. Mostly because I kept postponing that call or that website. I just hate these things. I thought to myself wondering how everyone else was spending their 4 day weekend? Were they up to their neck with passwords and language that needs an interpretation? I don't think so. Majority of the people I work with are spending their time "turning it up, man." I'm more the turning it down type. 

Tonight after supper, I planned on sitting down with my crocheting and watching some Netflix shows. Just me in bed with my hook.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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