Friday, September 7, 2018

Catching Up

                                                                                Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                                 everyday is a journey.

Be quiet, why this anxious heed
  About thy tangled ways?
  God knows them all, He giveth speed,
  And He allows delays.
E. W.

There sure has been a lot of rain around here. It's been raining on and off since last week. It's funny how some parts of the world will be in drought and in other areas, flood warnings are issued. I have also heard birds flying South in the morning. I can't remember them ever leaving so early. One year, I believe, they were traveling in late November! The leaves are turning on the trees and pretty soon Fall will be here officially. 

I'm sorry to see Summer leaving. I loved waking up early and hearing birds singing with the Sun streaming through the open windows. All that will soon be gone and a different kind of feeling will embrace us, a lethargic one. I have spent last Winter trying to fight the blues. This time it will be different or at least, I will try for it to be. If I sleep in, then I sleep in. Obviously, my body will need it.

Our next Bible study will be on the Book of Hebrews. I have written how I was on the fence whether I should participate. Well, I've decided to do so. It is only four weeks and I've never done Hebrews before so this should be interesting. 

I've been feeling a little restless these past few weeks. There seems to be some things that I need to work out. I'll be writing more posts on that in the future. Basically, I need some alone time to contemplate my next move and I need to immerse myself in the Word to do so. Nothing really will change during this time. I still plan on doing my Ministry, my blog and my Group, but I do plan on being more choosy in what I do with my spare time. I need quiet and reflection.

The last day for New Avon Morton Grove (my work) will be October 31, 2018. This certainly will be an experience. I have worked there for 23 years come September 15. That is a long time. For me, to see everything with the Avon logo coming down and then most likely a remodel of things, will be extremely emotional. Change has certainly come to our little sanctuary. It seems that the end of this year will bring the end of many things in our lives, majority of it for the better. Change is good, but it is very painful. Please keep our little family in your prayers to adapt gracefully. 

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

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