Sunday, September 23, 2018

Just Another Season

                                                                     Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                     everyday is a journey.

They who on the Lord rely,
Safely dwell though danger's nigh;
Lo! His sheltering wings are spread
O'er each faithful servant's head.
When they wake, or when they sleep,
Angel guards their vigils keep;
Death and danger may be near,
Faith and love have nought to fear.

Another day, another dollar, another errand, another hurdle. Tomorrow we will get up and do it all again. That's how it has been these past few weeks. One step at a time, one hurdle after another. We get through it all, one breath at a time. At the end of the day, we exhale a deep sigh of relief. We made it through.

There are Seasons just like that and the good news is that it's all temporary. It will pass and a new Season will replace the old one. We just have to make it through the rough patches. They are not easy, but necessary for our growth. That's what we hear from all the wise friends we keep and are in a good Season themselves.

That's okay, because things seem to be easing up a bit. I'm beginning to think we are coming out from the worst of it. It's funny, just when things seem to be a little better, we are instantly full of hope. It's in our nature. We are naturally born survivors. We battle, we endure, we learn, we move on.

We are in the last days of New Avon and I wish I could say that I am sorry for this Season to end, but I'm not. I am actually looking forward to the future and what it may bring. I know I wrote last week that we had a very important meeting and I will bring the results from it to you soon. Right now, I need to process all that information. It's all about how I view this information. Is my cup half full or half empty?

Fall is here and by November many things will come to light that I have been meaning to address in my life. It's not just the Company or Emily's work situation. It's quite a bit of things rolled into one. You know that famous line when it rains, it pours? Well, that's what we have here. It's pouring, folks. The good news here is that water means life and we are certainly full of the living water. Only the good from here. Only the good will emerge. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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