Monday, September 24, 2018

It All Began

                                                         Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                          everyday is a journey.

To heaven I lift my waiting eyes;
There all my hopes are laid;
The Lord that built the earth and skies
Is my perpetual aid.

It all began when the Company I work for was sold once again. We knew nothing about it and they gave us absolutely no warning that they were even considering it. In fact, the new owners have visited our facility many times, but we were told they were thinking of becoming our clients, not buying us. 

Why would that bother me?

Well, you see, it interferes with my five year plan. According to the Company policy, I could retire under the old rule of 85 points and that means at the age of 57 1/2 years of age. I'm fifty-three right now and that's where my five year plan came into action. 

All my dreams just went out the window. Somehow, I have to come to terms with that and it won't be easy. I see the obstacles in my way and I'm beginning to feel resentment. My mind has been full of cobwebs with everything that has been going on. So many changes and so much uncertainty. It's as if I saw the finish line, but somehow, someone tripped me before I could cross. 

In the big meeting they basically told us that if I don't have all my points by January, then I will not receive my milestone pension money. All that I will have is what I have right now in my pension. I can keep what I have now, but that's all. 

Before everyone starts to comfort me, I'm okay with it. It's all how one sees things. Is my cup half full or half empty. To me, it's half full. I'm more upset at the prospect of postponing my retirement until I am 59 1/2. That seems incredibly far, but I do plan on taking this time to build up and prepare. I will be in an even better place then I would have been at the age of 57. 

I don't cry over spilled milk. I do however, need a moment to get my head in perspective.  I am blessed with two very intelligent men in my life who are pros when it comes to these things. I intend in seeking them out for their help so I can make all the right choices for me. More to come on that, for now, I am grateful that I actually have choices. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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