Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Simply Rain

                                                                       Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                         everyday is a journey.

I am glad to think
I am not bound to make the world go right;
But only to discover and to do,
With cheerful heart, the work that God appoints.
I will trust in Him,
That He can hold His own; and I will take
His will, above the work He sendeth me,
To be my chiefest good.

It has been raining, mostly at night, around here. All this rain has brought to life all the greenery that has been hidden during the Winter months. Everything looks so lush and green, so vibrant. It also helps cool off this heat. It seems that in the Winter I was waiting for snow and now I'm always waiting for rain. 

For some strange reason, I love being at home during a storm, whether it is snow or rain. I love to watch the turbalent 
swaying and downpour of the storm. I love to see the snow covering the branches of trees. Believe me, there are times where I miss my beloved large window of our last apartment. The scenery was gorgeous and very inspiring when I wrote. I don't have that here. 

Emily, on the other hand, has been afraid of storms all of her life. She continually checks her phones for any alerts in the weather. She would love to have a weather radio of her own to monitor the weather forecasts. Where she works there is a large wall of windows that reach from ceiling to floor. When there is a storm, she is mesmerized not only by the strength and power, but also the beauty of it. I could only imagine how it looks through that large window display. 

When Joey lived in Missouri, he witnessed a beautiful lightening storm on his way home one night. Living out there among the cornfields provided a magnificent view to God's handiwork. Oh, how I wish I could have seen it. It had to be a sight!  

Have a blessed day everyone.  

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