Wednesday, November 8, 2017

YouTube Life

                                                                    Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                                       everyday is a journey. 

Why shouldst them fill to-day with sorrow
About to-morrow,
My heart?
One watches all with care most true,
Doubt not that He will give thee too
Thy part.

I have become a YouTube junkie and not because I'm hooked, line and sinker in love with it. I have been on a personal quest, yes quest, to find something on RV living. Unfortunately, there's not much out there pertaining to what I'm looking for. 

Don't get me wrong, there are plenty out there, but they all are about travelling in your RV. That's all they do. They post video after video of scenic views of various locations, but very few of what living in a Rv is truly like. That's what I want to see, the trials and tribulations of living permanently. Plus, how did they solve their problems that they encountered living this lifestyle.

Honestly, I've been extremely disappointed. As I've watched one video after another. I thought of what an idle existence these people live. Don't get me wrong, not all of them. Some of them are true homesteaders who have created an off grid existence that is very hard. It takes a lot of work to maintain that type of life. I admire these folks.

Yet, there are the ones that all they do is drive around in their vehicles showing various parks or sitting in their vehicles talking about their day. These same people have what they call patrons who send them money to support their lifestyle. That's ridiculous! I could see if they were artists and their work was being showcased, but these people do nothing, but post vlogs about going to the laundry or sitting in a chair outside their camper van.Talk about taking advantage of others generosity. In fact, they all even steal each others post titles. If one does a vblog on their cost of living in a camper, they all do the same. Or showering or cooking. Lord, could they be original?

You know what really ticked me off about these videos? The fact that they expect others to pay their way so they can live this lifestyle. If you choose to live like this, you're the one who better be able to pay for it. I certainly don't expect people to send me money just because they are reading my blog. That's ridiculous. This is pure taking advantage of honest people. If you can't afford something, you need to get a real job and not expect others to do so for you. I'm sorry for that rant, but I had to say it.

I eventually did find a few that I could follow and subscribe to and none of them had patrons. They offered their experience to others without cost or thoughts of fame. I'm ranting again, sorry. I am looking forward to seeing their vblogs and hoping to gain some knowledgeable facts in regards to tiny living. 

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

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