Sunday, November 19, 2017

Social Media

                                                             Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Oh! let us not this thought allow;
The heat, the dust upon our brow,
Signs of the contest, we may wear;
Yet thus we shall appear more fair
In our Almighty Master's eye,
Than if in fear to lose the bloom,
Or ruffle the soul's lightest plume,
We from the strife should fly.

So I'm sure you have noticed that I haven't been on social media as often as before. I post something, but rarely and I do mean rarely, do I scroll. I have found myself upset many of times when scrolling, therefore, I just stopped. 

When I first joined the social media's fast track, it came as a surprise to me just how quickly I became addicted. I wanted to quickly fill up my friend list or have as many followers as possible. I wanted to be cool like the rest of the world. I looked to social media as a great outlet for reaching the world. I wanted to turn around all the negative posts and use this medium for something good. I truly believed all that. 

Nowadays, it seems I'm not as positive in regards to that concept. I've seen it being used for more negativity and destructiveness rather than actually as encouragement to our fellow men, especially our friends. I've seen many of my friends take a sabbatical from social media to just regroup mentally. Perhaps, they are in accord to my way of thinking. Is it really worth it?

There are times, I truly ask myself that question. Then I think of Paul and the Apostles. I think of all the people who have come before me. Did they give up and retreat, because things got  a little hard? Of course, so why should I? Do I believe in what I post or not? That's  another question. If I don't, then I should stop. Otherwise, stand firm in your beliefs. 

So now, like I said, I  post and leave. When I come on, I check my news feed and if any of my good friends post something, I scroll to their page. I don't need the negativity. I don't need the anger and biased opinions. I just don't need any of them. If people can't behave in a mature way, at least I will. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

The Gratitude Challenge:
I am grateful for this time off. 

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