Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The Gratitude Challenge

                                                    Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                     everyday is a journey.

Be wise to-day; 'tis madness to defer;
Next day the fatal precedent will plead;
Thus on, till wisdom is pushed out of life.
Procrastination is the thief of time;
Year after year it steals, till all are fled,
And to the mercies of a moment leaves
The vast concerns of an eternal scene.

Whenever November rolls around, one sees gratitude challenges spring up. November has become the thankful month. For one month, people post all the things they are grateful for and appreciate all they possess. It's very popular during this month and I always smile inwardly whenever I sit around the dinner table with friends. They always want everyone to recite what they are grateful for this year. Only this one time.

Too bad this only happens during November and Thanksgiving time. Why can't we do this every supper time or when we gather with friends? Maybe, it would become a boring routine after a time and monotony would set in. Being grateful a bore? Maybe not a bore, but definitely the norm. 

In my family, we have a mixture of different faiths. We have Catholics, Baptists, Lutherans, New Age and non-practicing Christians. One thing for sure, when it comes to dinner, prayer will be said. Once again, only for Thanksgiving dinner.

Another thing I noticed, if prayer is said before a meal at anytime, it depends on who is with us. We don't pray unless it is a fellow believer. Isn't that true of all of us? We only pray when it's a fellow believer. Why is that? Are we afraid of what our family or friends will say? Or are we avoiding an argument or debate? 

Recently, my Bible study leader reflected on her own family traditions during Holidays. When it is being held by their house, their house rules apply. It's their home and their values.  How great is that? This definitely should avoid all those argumentative confrontations with others of a different faith who come over. As a family, this is what we believe and stand for. If I'm going to be known for something, let it be for my love of Christ.

So here we are with Thanksgiving around the corner feeling the urge to be thankful. My challenge to you and to myself is that we become thankful all year round. Let's think of one think we are grateful for each and every day. Think we can do that? Let's try. 

Have a blessed day everyone.

The Gratitude Challenge:
Today, I am grateful for sticking to my "giving up coffee" especially when I'm craving it so very much. 

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