Tuesday, November 7, 2017

The Secular World

It's so easy to be swayed by the secular world temptations. We all want to belong, but at what cost? A severe one, for sure. No thanks, not for me. I'd rather be alone. I've never been much of a follower, always knowing my own mind.

Now it's easy to be a follower of Christ when we are safely within the sanctuary of our homes, but the minute we enter the world outside, things become difficult. The real struggle begins. The entire atmosphere changes in the waiting lines and on the roads. Our work lives are explosive enough with secularism. 

It is common knowledge on this blog just how much I struggle in this area. I try, truly try, to make this work, but it never lasts long.  There are way too many people at work and avoiding them is not possible. We have to learn to work together. Sometimes we do that pretty well and other times, I just want to run home as quick as possible with retirement papers filed!

Then there is the outer secular world of politics, television, social media and the everyday people we encounter. Sigh. Where do we start? As a Christian, I feel as if I have to literally put on my Armor of God before I encounter anything secular. Times have certainly changed in that department. I feel attacked for my belief system just because the Christian label is attached to my lapel. They know nothing of me. I haven't even brought up any of these issues and I'm attacked for hating on others. 

They accuse me of hate, yet they're doing the very thing to me. Nowadays, it isn't cool to be a Christian let alone a Republican. I stopped watching television or reading newspaper. There is so much negativity out there from the media that impartiality doesn't exist any longer. 

The only thing that keeps me going is that I know how it all will end. I believe in Our Holy God and I believe He will make things right here on Earth. Everything I see out there, I consider it all biblical. I'm so disappointed in Mankind and I'm sure so is God. 

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

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