Monday, November 6, 2017


                                                     Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Let the glow of love destroy
Cold obedience faintly given;
Wake our hearts to strength and joy
With the flushing eastern heaven.

Halloween has certainly changed from the times when my children were small. It was always freezing cold, the children's outfits unseen by the coats they wore. Sometimes it even rained! I would walk with them, holding a steaming cup of coffee, trying to stay warm. There were lots and lots of children trick'n'treating. 

This is no longer true. Gone are the days of purchasing bags of candy for an evening of passing out to the little goons that rang your bell. You'll be lucky if one child will show up at your door.  

Nowadays, huge Halloween events are celebrated at Churches, Schools and Park Districts more as a community outreach rather than a night of howling and prowling. It's also becoming more adventurous with a petting zoo and games. Even the names have changed. No longer called Trick'n'treat, but Trunk'n'treat. 

Can it be that we are changing the ghoulish theme of Halloween to something more positive? I certainly think so and it wouldn't be such a bad idea, either. Monsters, goons and evil spirits are nothing to laugh at or to consider fun. Just look at our world today to see evil played out in our everyday lives. Just look at Vegas. All the money in the world couldn't soften this man's heart toward anything. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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