Thursday, November 2, 2017

A Dreary Day

                                                      Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

Man's life is but a working day
Whose tasks are set aright;
A time to work, a time to pray,
And then a quiet night.
And then, please God, a quiet night
Where palms are green and robes are white;
A long-drawn breath, a balm for sorrow,
And all things lovely on the morrow.
--Christina G. Rossetti.

I barely made it up the stairs. It's been drizzling, cold and damp. My joints were far from happy and they squeaked with every step. I've been up before the sunrise, taking my mom to the hairdresser. The alarm failed to go off, because the lights apparently went out in the middle of the night. It's been a hard week and all I wanted to do is go back to sleep. 

That's how Fall/Winter truly is for a lot of us. A time of depressing and cold mornings where we will ourselves to get up and face the day. Right smack in the middle of all this, I decided to quit drinking coffee. I must be losing my mind. 

I used to work with this lady (long retired now) who loved to sit out on her patio every morning, drinking her coffee. Her favorite spot was hidden behind a couple of large flowering bushes. No one from the street could ever see her. Whenever the cold months came, she would fall into a depression knowing she would not be able to sit in her favorite spot until Spring. 

We need the Sun. I believe it is in all of us, this desire to burrow during the cold Winter months. We are more tired. We want to sleep in or nestle in bed. Our energy levels are way down. Of course, there are those crazy people who love snow, but we won't talk about them too much. God bless them!

So I didn't give in to the desire of going back to bed. I made myself some mint tea and an english muffin. Put in a load of laundry and prepared myself to do battle with the endless bad connection on my computer. This is the time we have to push ourselves to keep moving, otherwise we'll sleep the Season away. Honestly, I wish we could do that, but we have to work. We don't eat if we don'[t work. Period. It's in the Bible.

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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