Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Celebrating Uniqueness

                                                           Everyday is a brand new day,
                                                            everyday is a journey.

Follow your 
Star that lights a desert pathway, 
yours or mine,
Forward, till you learn the highest 
Human Nature is divine.
Follow Light and do the Right--
for man can half control his doom--
Till you see the deathless 
Angel seated in the vacant Tomb.

All of my life I have wanted to blend in with the wallpaper. I've never wanted to have the spotlight on me. I preferred to sit quietly on the sidelines watching others in the limelight. Even my name was an embarrassment. I mean, how many Lotties do you know? Not many. As a child, I thought I had such a strange name and all I wanted to be was an Anne, Laura or a Mary. Not to forget that I was a foreigner having come to this country at the age of seven. 

It has taken me a very, very long time to like myself. A long time to celebrate who I was in my own uniqueness. Then cancer came, changing my appearance forever. Suddenly, I was staring in the mirror not recognizing the person I saw there. That is still an ongoing struggle. A journey of sorts. 

Just think about how long it takes for us to be able to look in the mirror and like what we see there. In school, we are bullied by our peers, because we are so different, so unique from one another. As we grow older, we search for someone to accept and love us for us. We want to find that perfect soulmate who love us unconditionally. Sometimes, we find the opposite. I know I did. 

I often say that I wish I became a believer before I had children. I believe I would have been a much better mother and person. Everything has a Season and Jesus seemed fit for me to be where I am now. There is no reason to be thinking otherwise. God places us where we need to be. 

So I come before all of you, naked in my struggle against this age old problem of not liking who we are both inside and on the outside. We all need to stop looking for the ideal image. What is that ideal? Is it even possible to achieve? Believe me, it's not easy. I have my good days and then some, but at least I try. What if we all tried to like ourselves? Image that. Imagine how upset Satan would be. Let's celebrate who we are, not who we were. Let's celebrate our uniqueness in Christ.

Have a Blessed day everyone. 

The Gratitude Challenge: 
I am very, very grateful for my Women's group and cannot wait until our next lesson.

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