Monday, July 31, 2017

The First Half

                                                       Everyday is a brand new day, everyday is a journey.

I want a sober mind, 
A self-renouncing will, 
That tramples down and casts behind 
The baits of pleasing ill; 
A spirit still prepared, 
And armed with jealous care, 
Forever standing on its guard, 
And watching unto prayer. 

Our lives certainly have been busy since moving here. A new car, Orchard Network, seed packing for Africa, World Vision Walk, Christmas in July to name a few. New friends, new neighbors, new jobs for some of us. 

Was it a good decision? You bet! There are times we have to be still and wait on the Lord. The other times, we have to act on the voice on the inside that prompts us to get up. As to many things in life, with the good comes the bad. We have lost contact with some of our friends mostly due to the distance. 

There's one thing that is vastly different around here . . we haven't been entertaining. I think we have had maybe two people over, my mom and a friend of Emily's. That's it. When we first moved here, we had grandeur plans of BBQ's outside in the courtyard, bible studies in our large living room and many get-together's for our women friends. None of that has happened. 

To be totally honest here, I'm enjoying the solitude of having my weekends to myself. Almost all of my work happens then. When it's Emily's turn during the week to be off, I make sure I'm gone, leaving the apartment all for her. We all deserve some alone time.

I almost feel as if we are embarking on a new journey soon and this is a small, but necessary preparation stay. Within the next few years, many changes will occur like they do every ten years or so. Are we ready? If not, this is a good as any to take care of anything that is thrown our way. Things never stay the same for long. We grow. We change. We move on to the next stage of our life. I'm excited about mine. And Emily's, too. What about you?

HAVE A BLESSED day everyone. 

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