Monday, July 10, 2017

10 Years Later

Can you believe it's been ten years since I've first been diagnosed with cancer? I never thought I would live this long. In fact, going beyond fifty seemed an impossibility. It was such a huge accomplishment for me. Now we're going for sixty!

When I think about that time in my life, it's very difficult for me to believe that person was me. My life is so different now, I'm so different now that I barely remember the old Lottie. Was I really like that? Did I really do those things? It's like looking at a movie of someone else's story. That just couldn't have been me, but it was.

Looking in the mirror can be difficult, almost painful at times, but it has to be done. I used to be such a planner. I had a five year plan. A ten year plan. An over forty plan. Nowadays, none of these plans exist, but one. Now, all I am looking toward is the retirement plan.

I have no idea what is in store for me in the coming years. I hope I can go on doing my Ministry work and writing this blog. Maybe even a new Ministry on the horizon? Who knows. Whatever it may be, I hope I am in acceptable health to do so. 

I don't need to know the future. I want to live in the here and now. When I was a young girl, I read my horoscope daily and often had my cards read in the hopes of knowing my future. That is the last thing on my mind nowadays. I will accept what comes my way with total submissive obedience. I will trust in Him. It's a little more exciting that way. 

Have a blessed day everyone. 

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